Beautiful Disaster is a romantic drama film that tells the story of Abby, a college freshman who is focused on her studies and trying to start a new life after a troubled past. However, she finds herself drawn to Travis, a bad-boy who's known for his boxing skills and seductive ways.

Initially, Abby is resistant to Travis's advances and tries to keep her distance from him. However, Travis is persistent and determined to win her over. He offers her a bet, whereby if he loses his next fight, he'll remain celibate for a month, and if he wins, Abby has to live with him for the same period.

Despite her reservations, Abby agrees to the bet. However, as they spend more time together, their relationship becomes more complicated, and Abby's past begins to resurface. Travis soon discovers that Abby has been hiding some dark secrets, and he realizes that he may have bitten off more than he can chew.

As their relationship heats up, Abby and Travis find themselves facing a number of challenges, including jealous exes, disapproving friends, and Abby's own personal demons. However, through it all, they discover that they have a deep and powerful connection that may just be strong enough to overcome any obstacle.

Beautiful Disaster is a compelling drama that explores themes of love, trust, and redemption. With strong performances from its lead actors and a gripping storyline, it's a film that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

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