Beats is a 2019 drama film directed by Chris Robinson and written by Miles Orion Feldsott. The movie is set in Chicago's South Side in the aftermath of the death of a young boy due to gun violence. It centers around two unlikely friends, a reclusive teenager named August Monroe (played by Khalil Everage) who is a talented hip-hop producer and Walker (played by Anthony Anderson) a disgraced former music manager who has lost everything after being involved in a scandal.

August is portrayed as an agoraphobic who is traumatized by the gun violence which surrounds him and it has resulted in him not leaving his house for a long period of time. He spends most of his time producing beats and posting them online while listening to music through his headphones. Walker stumbles upon August and sees his potential to become a successful music producer. He convinces August to attend an upcoming hip-hop competition with him and convinces him that this is his chance to have his music heard by the right people.

The two embark on a journey to create a demo tape that showcases August's skills as a producer and they try to secure the talent of a rapper who can bring their music to the masses. However, their journey is not without its challenges, as they both have to face the demons of their pasts. August must confront his fear of leaving the house, while Walker is dealing with the fallout from his past mistakes and his strained relationship with his daughter.

Beats is a powerful exploration of the power of music and its ability to bring people together. The unique collaboration between the two main characters creates an unlikely bond, which helps them to overcome their personal struggles. It is a poignant and thought-provoking story about friendship, perseverance and the challenges of overcoming the past.

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