Battle of the Brave, also known as Nouvelle-France, is a historical drama film directed by Jean Beaudin. The film is set in the mid-18th century when France and England are fighting for control of Canada. The story revolves around the epic romance between Marie-Loup Carignan, a young peasant woman, and François Le Gardeur, a trapper.

Marie-Loup and François meet while he is working for the French military, and she is tending to her father's farm. They fall deeply in love, however, their relationship is tested when Marie-Loup's father is killed by English soldiers, and François is captured and held prisoner by the British.

In the midst of war and conflict, Marie-Loup becomes involved with the French resistance and helps them gather information to gain the upper hand in battles against the English. During this time, she is reunited with François but must navigate their dangerous situation while also balancing her loyalty to her country.

The movie's title reflects the various battles and confrontations between the French and English for control of Canada and the struggle for independence.

Battle of the Brave features a star-studded cast including Noémie Godin-Vigneau as Marie-Loup, David La Haye as François, and Juliette Gosselin as Marie-Loup's sister. The film was released in 2004 and was well-received by critics who praised its authenticity in depicting the historical events and the captivating storyline of love and war.

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