In "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2," Bruce Wayne has retired from his role as Batman after successfully defeating The Mutants, a gang of violent criminals terrorizing Gotham City. However, when a new threat arises in the form of his longtime nemesis, The Joker, Bruce feels a calling to return to his former identity and stop The Joker once and for all.

As Batman confronts The Joker, he also faces opposition from the government, who view him as a threat to society. They send in Superman to apprehend Batman, setting up a showdown between the two iconic superheroes.

As Batman fights to save Gotham from The Joker's destructive plans, he must also confront his own mortality and the toll that being Batman has taken on his physical and emotional well-being. The film ultimately explores the themes of justice, morality, and the limits of power in a world where heroes and villains exist.

Featuring the voice talent of Peter Weller as Batman and Mark Valley as Superman, "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2" is a thrilling conclusion to the epic animated adaptation of Frank Miller's seminal graphic novel.

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