Batman Ninja is a 2018 Japanese animated film directed by Jumpei Mizusaki and produced by Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment. The plot of the film centers around Gorilla Grodd, a super intelligent gorilla who has invented a time displacement machine that transports many of Batman's worst enemies to feudal Japan.

The film begins with Batman and his allies, including Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robin, battling against Gorilla Grodd in Gotham City. During the battle, Grodd activates his time displacement machine, sending Batman and his allies back in time to feudal Japan.

Upon arriving in Japan, Batman discovers that his enemies, including the Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Two-Face, Bane, and Deathstroke, have also been transported to Japan and are now ruling over various regions. Batman must team up with his allies and new allies, including the ninja clan led by Catwoman and the samurai army led by Alfred Pennyworth, to restore order to Japan and defeat his enemies.

The film features stunningly beautiful animation that blends traditional Japanese art styles with Batman's iconic imagery. The film also includes epic battle scenes, featuring Batman and his allies fighting against giant robots, samurais, and their enemies. The film's score, composed by Yugo Kanno, adds to the epic feel of the film.

Overall, Batman Ninja is a unique and exciting take on the Batman mythos, bringing the Dark Knight into a new time period and culture. The film is a must-watch for fans of both Batman and Japanese animation.

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