Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is a 1993 animated superhero film directed by Eric Radomski and Bruce Timm. It serves as a continuation of the acclaimed Batman: The Animated Series and features many of the same voice actors and creative team.

The story begins with a series of murders of Gotham's top crime bosses by a masked vigilante called the Phantasm, who is mistakenly believed by the police to be Batman. Unbeknownst to them, the real culprit is the mysterious Andrea Beaumont, a former love interest of Bruce Wayne's who has returned to Gotham after years away.

Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne rekindles his relationship with Andrea, reflecting on his past and the choices that made him Batman. As he investigates the Phantasm's true identity, Batman must also evade the police and confront a new villain called the Joker, who has been hired by the remaining crime bosses to eliminate their masked enemy.

With its complex characters, mature themes, and intricate plot, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is widely regarded as one of the best Batman movies ever made. Its atmospheric visuals, haunting score, and emotional depth have made it a favorite among fans of the Dark Knight, and a defining moment in the history of animated superhero films.

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