Batman: Gotham by Gaslight is an animated movie that presents an alternate reality, where the dark and brooding hero of Gotham City, Batman, exists in a Victorian Age version of the city.

The story is set in the late 1800s, when Jack the Ripper, the infamous serial killer of London, starts to commit murders in Gotham City. Batman, working alongside his loyal butler, Alfred, sets out to solve the mystery and capture the killer.

As Bruce Wayne, Batman initially believes the killer is one of Gotham's most prominent citizens. But as the murders continue, Batman realizes that the killer may be targeting women from the Gotham red-light district.

The movie takes viewers on a journey through Victorian Age Gotham City, showcasing the distinct architecture and fashion of the era, and introducing several characters from the Batman canon in their alternate reality incarnations.

The highlight of the movie is the ultimate confrontation between Batman and Jack the Ripper, where Batman utilizes his gadgets and combat skills to take down the murderer in a thrilling and brutal battle.

The movie is rated R for its violence and adult themes and is recommended for fans of the Batman comics, steampunk and alternate reality movies, and fans of mature animated features.

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