Basket Case is a horror film directed by Frank Henenlotter. The film follows a young man named Duane Bradley, who arrives in New York City carrying a large wicker basket. Inside the basket is his deformed Siamese twin brother, Belial, whom he has been keeping hidden from the world.

The movie takes us through a series of flashbacks revealing the pair grew up together in a house that became a medical lab. When they were older, they were surgically separated against their will, with Belial being deemed too hideous to live a normal life. Now, Duane is seeking revenge on the doctors who separated them, believing it was an unnecessary and cruel act.

As the movie progresses, Duane begins to experience intense headaches and visions of Belial's murderous rampages. Meanwhile, a series of bizarre murders begin to occur throughout the city, leading investigators to suspect that Duane and Belial may be responsible.

The film features several standout scenes, including a particularly gruesome scene where Belial attacks and kills one of the doctors who separated him and Duane, as well as a finale that sees the brothers facing off against a group of police officers.

Overall, Basket Case is a unique and unsettling horror film that explores themes of brotherhood, revenge, and the consequences of medical experimentation.

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