Basket Case 2 is a 1990 horror film and the sequel to Basket Case. The film follows the story of Duane Bradley and his mutant twin brother, Belial, who have survived the events of the first film and now find themselves on the run from the police.

They are taken in by Granny Ruth, who runs a shelter for "Unique Individuals" - people with physical abnormalities and deformities. There, they meet a cast of memorable characters, including a woman with no arms who can play the piano with her feet, a man with a giant nose who works as a perfumer, and a woman with a pet shark.

However, things take a sinister turn when a journalist begins investigating the shelter and uncovers the dark secrets lurking within its walls. As tensions rise and secrets are revealed, Duane and Belial must confront their violent past and decide whether to embrace their unique qualities or attempt to suppress them.

The film is known for its campy, over-the-top tone and its use of practical effects to bring its bizarre characters to life. It has developed a cult following over the years and is often regarded as one of the best "so bad it's good" horror films of the 1990s.

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