Barbie in the Pink Shoes is a 2013 animated musical film directed by Owen Hurley. The movie stars Barbie in the role of Kristyn, a young girl with a passion for ballet who dreams of becoming a prima ballerina. Kristyn lives in a small town with her best friend, Hailey. One day, she is given a pair of magical pink shoes that transport her and Hailey to a magical land filled with whimsy and wonder.

In this new world, Kristyn discovers that she must dance her way through a variety of ballets, including Swan Lake and Giselle, in order to defeat an evil Snow Queen who is threatening the land. Along the way, she meets a cast of unforgettable characters, including beautiful ballerina Odile and handsome Prince Siegfried.

With stunning animation, an unforgettable score, and magical story that will capture the hearts of audiences of all ages, Barbie in the Pink Shoes is a must-see movie that will leave you dancing with joy. Whether you're a fan of ballet, Barbie, or simply looking for a heartwarming family movie, this film is sure to deliver.

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