Bandidas is a 2006 Western action-comedy film directed by Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg. The story takes place in 1880 in Mexico, where two young women, one a peasant named Maria Alvarez (Salma Hayek) and the other a wealthy heiress named Sara Sandoval (Penélope Cruz), team up to fight against a corrupt and powerful American businessman, Tyler Jackson (Dwight Yoakam). Jackson has been taking away the land of the Mexican people for his own gain, and the two women decide to take justice into their own hands.

Together, they embark on a mission to rob Jackson's banks and steal back the money he has taken from the local people. Their mission becomes increasingly dangerous as they attract the attention of the authorities and Jackson's hired guns, and they must use all their wits and resourcefulness to stay ahead of their pursuers.

Along the way, Maria and Sara become friends and learn to appreciate each other's strengths and differences. Maria is tough, street-smart, and fiercely independent, while Sara is refined, educated, and a skilled horsewoman. Together, they form a formidable team and become known as the "Bandidas."

The action scenes in Bandidas are fast-paced and exciting, with lots of shootouts, horseback chases, and daring stunts. The humor in the film is also well-done, with plenty of witty one-liners and physical comedy.

Overall, Bandidas is a fun, entertaining movie that offers a fresh take on the Western genre. It's a story of female empowerment, friendship, and justice, with a great cast and lots of action-packed scenes.

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