Bah, Humduck!: A Looney Tunes Christmas is a 2006 animated film that follows the story of Daffy Duck, who is portrayed as a miserly and selfish owner of the Lucky Duck Mega-Mart. The film opens with Daffy lamenting the Christmas season, as he sees it as nothing but an opportunity to make money.

As Daffy remains focused on the profit, his employees are forced to work long hours on Christmas Eve. Tired and frustrated with their boss' attitude, they decide to teach Daffy a lesson by taking him on a journey through time to see the consequences of his actions.

Throughout the film, Daffy encounters various Looney Tunes characters, who take on the roles of Charles Dickens' classic characters. For example, Bugs Bunny becomes the Ghost of Christmas Past, while Yosemite Sam becomes the Ghost of Christmas Present.

As Daffy experiences the impact of his selfish ways, he begins to see the true meaning of Christmas and how his actions have affected those around him. In the end, Daffy learns the true spirit of Christmas and begins to make amends for his behavior.

The film features many classic Looney Tunes characters and is filled with humor and heartwarming moments. It has become a favorite holiday film for many families and is often broadcast on television during the Christmas season.

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