Bagdad Cafe is a 1987 German film directed by Percy Adlon. The film is set in a remote truck stop in the middle of the Mojave desert, in a rundown motel and diner run by Brenda, a surly waitress who is constantly at odds with her unhappy husband, Rudi. One day, a German tourist named Jasmin wanders into the diner, stranded after a fight with her husband.

Jasmin is initially received with suspicion by most of the locals, who are mostly African American and struggling to make ends meet. Over time, however, Jasmin begins to connect with the residents of the truck stop and help them to see the beauty in their surroundings and in each other.

As Jasmin’s influence spreads, the film becomes a surreal, heartwarming comedy that explores themes of loneliness, friendship, and redemption. With quirky characters like the eccentric artist Cahuenga, the delightfully flamboyant transvestite Debby, and Jasmin’s own estranged husband, Bagdad Cafe is a gem of independent cinema that has gained a cult following around the world.

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