After waking up to find his penis missing, Rich panics and goes to his friend's house for help. His friend suggests he see a therapist, and Rich reluctantly agrees. During his therapy sessions, Rich realizes that his problems with women go deeper than just his uncontrollable libido. He has a fear of intimacy and commitment stemming from his troubled relationship with his mother.

Meanwhile, Rich's penis, now in human form, is out in the world wreaking havoc. It's still driven by sexual desire and has no qualms about using its new form to seduce women. As Rich works on improving himself, his penis is on a wild ride of its own.

Eventually, Rich realizes that he can't just ignore his penis's actions and must take responsibility for the harm it's caused. With the help of his therapist and friends, he tracks down his penis and they have a heart-to-heart, resulting in Rich finally taking control of his sexuality.

The movie is a comedy with some raunchy humor, but it also explores themes of toxic masculinity, fear of vulnerability, and the importance of taking accountability for one's actions.

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