Bad Influence is a 1990 psychological thriller directed by Curtis Hanson and starring Rob Lowe and James Spader. In the movie, Claire (played by Aimee Graham) and her mother, Laura (played by Meg Tilly), move to Los Angeles hoping for a fresh start. Claire finds it difficult to fit in at her new high school until she befriends a charismatic and wealthy businessman named Alex (played by Rob Lowe).

Alex takes Claire under his wing and introduces her to his exciting and glamorous lifestyle, which includes drugs, parties, and questionable sexual encounters. At first, Claire is thrilled to be a part of this world, but soon she realizes that Alex's influence is dangerous and possibly deadly.

As Laura begins to investigate Alex's past, she too becomes a target of his manipulations and deceit. The tension builds as Claire and Laura race against time to save themselves and each other from the destructive influence of Alex.

Bad Influence is a taut and suspenseful thriller that explores the themes of power, manipulation, and the dark side of human nature. Lowe and Spader give outstanding performances as the charismatic Alex and the calculating Michael, respectively, and the film is regarded as a cult classic among thriller fans.

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