Bad Girls is a dark comedy film that follows three teenage girls named Sam, Kelly, and Shelby who are tired of their mundane lives and decide to rob a strip club. They are successful in their heist and escape with a duffle bag full of money, cocaine, and a kidnapped employee.

Soon after, they are pursued by a misogynistic federal agent named Waco, who is determined to catch them and retrieve the stolen items. The girls embark on a lysergic cross-country chase, and along the way, they encounter various personalities who join them on their journey, including a band of eccentric hippies and a kidnapped frat boy.

The film is filled with dark humor, violence, and drug-fueled misadventures as the girls navigate their way across the country. Meanwhile, the tension between the girls and Waco escalates, leading to an epic showdown.

Bad Girls is directed by Rachel Moriarty and Peter Bloom and stars Morgan Fairchild, Christopher Howell, and Stefanie Estes as the three teenage girls. The film premiered at the Austin Film Festival in 2021.

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