Bad Dreams is a horror-thriller movie released in 1988 directed by Andrew Fleming. The film stars Jennifer Rubin as Cynthia, who is a sole survivor of a mass suicide cult known as Unity Field. The cult was led by Harris, played by Richard Lynch, who forced all his followers to commit suicide together in a fiery explosion.

Years after the tragedy, Cynthia wakes up from a coma and is placed in a psychiatric hospital. There she begins to have terrifying hallucinations of Harris, who has come back from the dead to haunt her. Cynthia's fellow patients in the hospital start dying off one by one, and it soon becomes clear that Harris is somehow involved.

The film's plot revolves around Cynthia's attempts to confront her traumatic past and save herself and her friends from Harris's malevolent ghost. As the bodies start piling up around her, Cynthia begins to unravel the terrible secrets of Unity Field, and the horrifying truth about why Harris wants her dead.

Bad Dreams is a tense and creepy movie with a strong performance from Jennifer Rubin. It draws on the '70s self-help movement and cults in a way that feels both timely and timeless. The film has become a cult classic for its mix of psychological horror, visceral gore, and strong character development. If you're a fan of horror movies with a message, Bad Dreams is well worth checking out.

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