Bad Ass is a 2012 American action film directed by Craig Moss and starring Danny Trejo as Frank Vega. The movie is loosely based on the viral video of an elderly man on a bus who fights off two attackers. The film follows Vega, a decorated Vietnam hero who returns home to Los Angeles and struggles to adjust to civilian life. He is unable to find a job, and his high school sweetheart, who is now married, wants nothing to do with him.

After witnessing a group of skinheads harassing an elderly black man, Vega intervenes and beats them up. A video of the incident goes viral, making Vega an overnight local hero. He quickly becomes popular among the people, who refer to him as "Bad Ass."

However, his newfound fame attracts unwanted attention, and Vega's best friend Klondike is murdered. The police do little to investigate the case, so Vega takes matters into his own hands. With the help of a young hacker named Martin, Vega tracks down the killers and takes revenge.

Throughout the movie, Vega's past in Vietnam is frequently referenced, and the film addresses issues such as racism, crime, and corruption in society. The movie also stars Ron Perlman and Charles S. Dutton and received mixed reviews upon its release. Despite this, the movie was successful enough to spawn two sequels.

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