
Adventure,Animation,Fantasy  Latvia 

Away is an animated feature film that revolves around the story of a young boy named Jun, who embarks on a perilous journey across his island home in order to escape a dark spirit that is haunting him. Accompanied by a tiny bird who has become his loyal companion, Jun sets out on a motorcycle, navigating through a landscape of treacherous mountains and desolate desert wastelands.

As they journey further, Jun and his feathered friend encounter a variety of obstacles and challenges, including vicious wildlife, dangerous bandits, and treacherous terrain. However, they also make unexpected allies along the way, including a brave warrior named Solon, and a group of mysterious monks who possess unique powers.

As Jun and his companions continue on their journey, they gradually learn more about the dark force that is stalking them, and the dangerous secrets it holds. Ultimately, they must confront the spirit head-on in a final battle that will determine the fate of not just Jun, but the entire island community. Will they be able to overcome the darkness and find their way home? Only time will tell.

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