The movie Autumn Road follows the story of 25-year-old Lucy, who returns to her hometown ten years after her younger sister Kara went missing on Halloween night. Lucy blames herself for not being able to find her sister and has become obsessed with finding out what happened to her.

Lucy begins to investigate the case with the help of a retired detective who worked on the case years ago. However, her search for answers leads her to the town's roadside haunted house, run by identical twins, Jude and Jonah. Despite their spooky appearance, Lucy is drawn to the twins and their eerie attraction.

As Lucy gets closer to the truth about her sister's disappearance, she discovers that the twins hold a dark secret about their haunted house and that her sister's disappearance may be more connected to the sinister attraction than anyone anticipated.

With both danger and obsession driving her forward, Lucy must navigate a web of lies and supernatural secrets to uncover the truth and finally lay her sister's memory to rest in this hauntingly suspenseful thriller.

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