The film follows Janice and Bill Templeton, a couple who tragically lose their daughter Audrey Rose in a car accident. Following her death, Bill becomes convinced that a young girl named Ivy, born two minutes after Audrey Rose's death, is the reincarnation of his daughter. He begins to stalk Ivy and her family, trying to prove that she is his daughter, much to the distress of Janice.

As Ivy begins to display unusual behavior and phobias related to the circumstances of Audrey Rose's death, Bill becomes more convinced that she is his daughter. He hires a hypnotist to help Ivy recall her past life, and she begins to have vivid memories of being Audrey Rose.

Janice becomes increasingly worried about Bill's obsession with Ivy and seeks the help of a psychiatrist, who advises her to have Ivy undergo therapy to help her remember the past life she may be reliving.

As the story progresses, the Templetons' obsession with Ivy intensifies, leading to a dramatic and tragic conclusion that leaves the audience questioning the existence of reincarnation and the lengths a parent will go to be reunited with their lost child.

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