The movie Attack is a 1956 war film directed by Robert Aldrich and written by Norman Brooks. It stars Jack Palance as Lt. Joe Costa, Eddie Albert as Capt. Erskine Cooney, and Lee Marvin as Lt. Col. Clyde Bartlett.

The movie follows a National Guard infantry company based in France in 1944 during the final months of World War II. The company, led by Capt. Cooney, is tasked with setting up artillery observation posts in a strategic area. However, Lt. Costa and some of the other soldiers have serious doubts about Cooney's ability to lead.

Cooney is shown to be a coward and incompetent leader who has risen to his position due to his connections rather than his abilities. He is also an alcoholic who regularly abuses his power and mistreats his subordinates. In contrast, Costa is a brave and capable soldier who cares deeply about his men.

When Cooney sends Costa and his men out on a dangerous mission without providing them with proper support, they become trapped behind enemy lines and are forced to fight for their survival. As the situation becomes more dire, Costa begins to question his loyalty to his inept commander and considers taking matters into his own hands.

The movie is known for its intense action sequences, realistic portrayal of war, and strong performances by the cast. It received critical acclaim and was nominated for several awards, including four Academy Awards.

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