Attack the Block is a British sci-fi horror film released in 2011. It was directed by Joe Cornish and stars John Boyega, Jodie Whittaker, Nick Frost, and Luke Treadaway. The story follows a group of young delinquents living in the fictional South London area called Wyndham Estate. The group led by Moses, played by Boyega, clashes with a group of alien invaders.

The movie begins with Moses and his gang robbing a nurse named Sam, played by Whittaker, who lives on the same housing estate. However, they are interrupted when a meteorite crashes nearby, containing a furry alien creature. The group decides to kill the creature, but more creatures begin to fall from the sky, causing chaos and destruction on the estate.

As the creatures continue to attack the estate, the residents work together with Moses and his gang to fend off the alien invasion. The movie explores themes of coming of age, social status, race, and community. It also features a blend of action, comedy, and horror elements, making it a unique and entertaining piece of British Cinema.

Attack the Block received critical acclaim for its fresh take on sci-fi horror and its exploration of themes relevant to urban life in Britain. Its success also launched the career of John Boyega, who went on to star in major franchise films such as Star Wars.

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