The film follows a group of characters who come together to combat the threat posed by the killer tomatoes. The main protagonist is Mason Dixon, a reluctant former government agent who is recruited to lead the effort to stop the tomato uprising.

As the tomatoes wreak havoc across the country, including attacking people in their homes and taking over a submarine, Mason and his team must come up with a plan to stop the tomatoes once and for all. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles, including government bureaucracy and a rival scientist who may be in league with the tomatoes.

The film features a mix of humor, satire, and low-budget special effects, including scenes of tomatoes rolling down streets and attacking people. In the end, Mason and his team are able to defeat the killer tomatoes using a secret formula that neutralizes their threat.

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! has since become a cult classic and spawned three sequels, a TV series, and a musical adaptation. It is known for its tongue-in-cheek humor and unique premise that has entertained audiences for decades.

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