Marshall Lawson is portrayed by Steven Seagal in the 2006 action-thriller film Attack Force. He is the leader of a special forces team that is sent on a mission to investigate a mysterious facility in Eastern Europe. During their reconnaissance, the team is attacked and killed by an unknown entity in a seemingly senseless attack.

Marshall, the only surviving member of the team, vows to discover the reason behind the attack and bring the perpetrators to justice. His investigation leads him to a powerful drug cartel that has developed a new and dangerous weapon, a virus that can turn people into zombie-like creatures.

With the help of his girlfriend Tia (played by Lisa Lovbrand) and his best friend Dwayne (played by David Kennedy), Marshall goes on a mission to stop the virus from spreading and to take down the drug cartel. Along the way, he must confront a deadly plot to unleash the virus on the world, and he faces off against dangerous enemies who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

The movie features Seagal's trademark martial arts skills and action sequences, as well as a tense and thrilling plot that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. It was directed by Michael Keusch and produced by Steven Seagal himself.

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