At First Light Movie streaming platforms

Light of Powers Unleashed

Thriller,Science Fiction,Drama  Canada 

At First Light is a sci-fi thriller film released in 2018, directed by Jason Stone, and written by Jason Stone and Andrew C. Erin. The movie is set in a small town in the United States, where Alex Lainey (played by Stefanie Scott), a high school senior, has a strange encounter with mysterious lights in the sky.

After the encounter, Alex begins to exhibit unusual, supernatural powers that she struggles to understand. Her childhood friend Sean Terrel (Played by Theodore Pellerin) offers to help her navigate her new abilities, and together they try to keep her transformation a secret from the authorities.

However, things take a turn for the worse as the government becomes aware of Alex's powers and sets out to investigate her. A team of agents, led by Dr. Ellen Geisler (played by Kate Burton), is tasked with capturing and studying Alex.

As Alex and Sean flee from the authorities, they must also try to unlock the secrets behind Alex's powers and find a way to control them before they become too dangerous. Along the way, they encounter other individuals like them who have been affected by the same strange lights as Alex.

The movie culminates in a dramatic showdown between Alex, the agents pursuing her, and the others who share her powers. In the end, Alex must decide what to do with her abilities as she faces an uncertain future.

Overall, At First Light is a tense and engaging sci-fi thriller that explores the themes of power, responsibility, and identity. It features strong performances from its cast, especially Stefanie Scott and Theodore Pellerin, and is well-directed and visually striking.


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