Astronaut: The Last Push is a thought-provoking and moving drama that explores the human condition in the face of incredible isolation and adversity. The film follows Michael Forrest, an astronaut who is stranded on a spaceship after his team is killed in an accident during a mission to Jupiter's moons. With no hope of rescue and unable to communicate with anyone back on Earth, Michael is left with only his thoughts and memories to keep him company.

As Michael makes the long journey home, he must grapple with the immense loneliness and emotional turmoil of his situation. He struggles to maintain his sanity and keep his spirits up, even as he faces obstacle after obstacle on his journey, including food shortages, equipment malfunctions, and the constant threat of cosmic radiation.

Despite the odds, Michael finds the strength to endure, drawing on his deep reserves of intelligence, skill, and determination to make it back to Earth. Along the way, he reflects on his life, his relationships, and the profound and fundamental questions of human existence.

Astronaut: The Last Push is a powerful and poignant film that offers a unique and compelling vision of what it means to be human. With stunning visuals, a moving score, and a powerful performance by its lead actor, this film is a must-see for anyone who loves thought-provoking science fiction and engaging character-driven drama.

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