Assault Girls is a Japanese science fiction action film directed by Mamoru Oshii. The film is set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has retreated into virtual reality to escape the harsh reality of the outside world. The film follows four players - Gray (Meisa Kuroki), Colonel (Yoshikatsu Fujiki), Lucifer (Rinko Kikuchi), and Jäger (Hyunri) - as they navigate their way through the harsh world of Avalon in search of rare weapons and items.

The players must work together to defeat giant sandwhales in order to gain points and increase their rankings within the game. As they progress through the levels, they begin to realize that the world of Avalon is not just a game, but a reflection of the real world, and that their actions within the game have real-world consequences.

Throughout the film, the characters are constantly navigating between the real world and the virtual world, blurring the lines between what is real and what is not. The action sequences are fast-paced and intense, with the players utilizing an impressive array of weapons, including machine guns, rocket launchers, and swords.

Assault Girls is a visually stunning film, with breathtaking landscapes and impressive special effects. It is a unique exploration of the relationship between humanity and technology, and how virtual reality can both reflect and distort our understanding of reality.

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