Aspirational Slut is a comedy film directed by Sarah Deakins and written by Katherine Slavich. The film follows Rosemary, a young woman who has been struggling with her love life. She has been let down by several men in the past and can't seem to find the right person. She spends her days feeling sad and lost.

One day, as she is lying on the floor crying, the doorbell rings. The Pizza Delivery Guy enters and suggests that Rosemary forget about love and instead focus on sex. He suggests that she become a wild and unapologetic slut. Rosemary is hesitant at first but eventually decides to give it a try. She embarks on a journey of sexual liberation and discovery, learning to embrace her sexuality and enjoy herself in the process.

The film features a fun and upbeat montage of Rosemary's slut training, with the Pizza Delivery Guy showing her the ropes and helping her to embrace her sexual desires. Despite some initial doubts and hesitations, Rosemary soon becomes a confident and self-assured woman, enjoying her newfound freedom and independence.

However, her newfound slutty ways are put to the test when she meets Ned, a man whom she genuinely likes and wants to pursue a relationship with. She must decide whether to continue her promiscuous ways or to give love a chance once again.

Aspirational Slut is a hilarious and heartfelt film that explores themes of love, sex, and independence. It is a celebration of female sexuality and empowerment, showing that it's okay to be a little bit slutty sometimes, as long as you're doing it for yourself.

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