Ask Me Anything is a 2014 drama film directed by Allison Burnett and based on his novel called "Undiscovered Gyrl". The movie follows the story of Katie Kampenfelt, a vibrant and curious young girl who takes a year-long break from college to explore the world and herself.

Katie starts writing an anonymous blog to document her experiences and innermost thoughts, detailing her romantic encounters, strange happenings, and deep feelings. Her blog gains massive popularity, and she attracts a vast following of readers who become invested in her life.

As Katie's audience grows, her posts become more revealing and emotionally charged, and she starts to confront her traumas and secrets. She reconnects with her estranged father, who is battling cancer, develops a complicated relationship with a married man, and has a bizarre encounter with a mysterious neighbor.

As the movie progresses, Katie's life becomes increasingly complicated, and her mental state starts to deteriorate. The audience learns about some of the darker events from her past that have led her to where she is today. Eventually, Katie must confront her demons and decide how to move forward with her life.

The film stars Britt Robertson as Katie Kampenfelt, alongside a supporting cast including Justin Long, Christian Slater, and Martin Sheen. Ask Me Anything was critically acclaimed for its frank portrayal of young adulthood and mental health issues, as well as its complex characters and plot.

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