As It Is in Heaven is a Swedish film directed by Kay Pollak and released in 2004. The story follows Daniel Daréus, a renowned composer who suffers from a heart attack on stage during a concert. He decides to return to his small hometown in northern Sweden, hoping to find peace and a chance to lead a normal life.

Upon his arrival, he quickly becomes embroiled in the town's affairs, including the local church choir. Daniel agrees to become their conductor, despite the objections of some members of the community who feel that it is inappropriate for a non-believer like him to lead the choir.

Despite the initial resistance, Daniel soon forms strong bonds with the choir members and helps them discover their own unique voices and talents. He also begins a romantic relationship with one of the choir members, Lena, which further complicates his life.

As the choir's reputation grows, tensions in the town rise, with some people feeling threatened by the outsiders attracted to the choir's music. Ultimately, tragedy strikes, but Daniel's legacy lives on in the lives he has touched and the music he inspired.

As It Is in Heaven received critical acclaim, with particular praise directed towards the beautiful cinematography and the powerful performances by the cast. It was nominated for several awards, including an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. The film's themes of love, music, and the power of community continue to resonate with audiences all over the world.

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