
Horror  N/A 

Artik is a thrilling horror movie set in rural farmland. The story revolves around a comic book-obsessed serial killer named Artik, who is on a rampage and has a particular method for selecting his next victim. Artik's world collides with a straight-edge purist named Flin. Flin is a farmer who takes his work seriously and lives by strict ethics.

When Artik kidnaps a young boy, Flin sets out to save the boy and put an end to Artik's murderous ways. Along the way, Flin meets up with another comic book fan, Holton, who joins him on the dangerous quest to save the boy.

As the story unfolds, the audience is taken on a journey filled with suspense, twists, and turns. Artik's obsession with comics plays a vital role in the story as it adds a surreal and almost mystic tone to the already chilling tale.

Throughout the movie, the audience is kept on edge as Flin and Holton navigate the dangerous terrain of the farmland and confront Artik in a terrifying showdown. Artik is a must-watch for horror lovers looking for a twisted, creepy, and unpredictable story.

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