Arthur Christmas is a 2011 animated film produced by Aardman Animations and Sony Pictures Animation. The film revolves around the premise of how Santa Claus and his operation manage to deliver presents to every child in the world on Christmas Eve. The story follows Santa's youngest son, Arthur, who discovers that one present has been left undelivered and sets out to deliver it himself with the help of his grandfather, Grandsanta, and a few others.

The film's opening scene establishes that the current Santa Claus, named Steve, has modernized the operation by using high-tech equipment to ensure that presents are delivered on time. However, when Steve's system fails to deliver one present, he dismisses it as an acceptable margin of error. Arthur, on the other hand, feels that every child deserves a present from Santa, and decides to take matters into his own hands.

With Grandsanta's help, Arthur and his pet wrapping elf Bryony set out on an adventure to deliver the present before dawn breaks on Christmas morning. Along the way, they face obstacles like a broken sleigh, unruly reindeer, and a malfunctioning GPS.

Meanwhile, Steve and Santa's wife, Mrs. Claus, try to track down Arthur and convince him to return home. They also deal with the implications of an undelivered present, which could potentially tarnish the reputation of Santa Claus and the entire operation.

As Arthur and his team face more challenges on their mission, they discover the true meaning of Christmas and the importance of delivering every single present to make sure that no child is left disappointed. The film ends with Arthur successfully delivering the present, and Santa giving him credit for saving Christmas.

Arthur Christmas features an all-star cast of voice actors, including James McAvoy as Arthur, Hugh Laurie as Steve, Jim Broadbent as Santa, and Bill Nighy as Grandsanta. The film received critical acclaim for its heartwarming message, humor, and impressive animation.

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