Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard is an animated film that is part of the Arthur and the Invisibles franchise. In the film, Arthur receives a distress call from Princess Selenia, a tiny girl who he met in the previous film. She tells him that Maltazard, a villainous being who he defeated in the first film, is back and is threatening her people.

Arthur makes the decision to enter the world of the Minimoys again to help Selenia and her people. However, when he arrives, he finds that not everything is as it seems. Maltazard has grown in power and is now a giant, towering over the Minimoys and using his strength to intimidate and control them.

The film follows Arthur as he works with Selenia, her brother Betameche, and the other Minimoys to defeat Maltazard and save their world. Along the way, they face challenges and obstacles, including dangerous creatures and treacherous allies.

The film features the voice talents of Freddie Highmore as Arthur, Mia Farrow as Arthur's grandmother, Selena Gomez as Selenia, and Lou Reed as Maltazard. It was directed by Luc Besson and was released in 2009.

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