Argentina, 1985 follows the true story of Julio Strassera, a lawyer in Argentina who lost his own brother during the country's brutal military dictatorship. Together with prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo, Strassera gathers a team of young and inexperienced lawyers who dedicate themselves to bringing justice to the victims of the dictatorship's atrocities.

The team faces constant threats from the military junta as they work tirelessly to uncover the truth and hold the perpetrators accountable. In their pursuit of justice, the team is met with stonewalling, intimidation, and even violence.

As their time to prosecute the junta quickly runs out, the team must overcome personal obstacles and political hurdles in their quest to bring justice to the thousands of individuals affected by the dictatorship.

Argentina, 1985 is a powerful and moving story of heroic individuals who risked everything to bring accountability and some measure of peace to a nation torn apart by violence and terror.

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