"Archive" is a science fiction movie that centers on the life of George Almore, a brilliant scientist who is working on an advanced AI project. George is emotionally torn by the loss of his wife and has a secret goal to bring her back to life using the AI technology he is developing.

The film takes place in the year 2038, where AI technology has advanced to a point where it can create human-like robots. George's project is called J3, which his employer defines as a "minimum sentient being." However, George has a bigger goal in mind, which is to create a fully sentient machine that can mimic human behavior and thought patterns.

George's ultimate goal is to create a hybrid machine that can transfer the consciousness of his wife into a computer system so that they can be reunited in a virtual sense. However, as the deadline for completing the project approaches, George's boss begins to suspect that he is working on something beyond the stated parameters, and his project comes under scrutiny.

As George pushes forward with his experimentation, his own mental state comes under strain as he battles with the moral implications of his work. He faces numerous technical and emotional setbacks but eventually achieves his goal of creating a true human-equivalent AI.

The climax of the film occurs when George's wife's consciousness is eventually restored using the AI technology. However, the consequences of his actions prove to be more than he bargained for and force him to reassess his relationship with his deceased wife and the true meaning of life and death.

Overall, "Archive" is a thought-provoking and emotionally engaging science fiction film that addresses the ethical implications of AI technology. The story's focus on the relationships between humans and machines, life, and death, and the blurred lines that separate them make for a compelling watch.

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