Arcadia is a coming-of-age drama film that follows the journey of a family who is moving cross-country from Montana to California. Greta's dad, Tom, is an ex-hippie who wants to give his kids a better life in the sunshine state. However, the trip is not as smooth as he had hoped. Their dented station wagon breaks down several times, and they face various challenges on the way.

As the family travels through different towns and cities, they encounter various individuals, each with their own unique stories and struggles. Greta, the 12-year-old daughter, is the protagonist of the film and serves as the audience's window into the family's experiences. She observes her father's quirks, her teenage brother's rebellious behavior, and her younger sister's innocent curiosity.

Throughout the journey, the family discovers that paradise is not as easy to find as they had anticipated, and that they must confront some painful truths along the way. The absence of their mother, whose memory lingers throughout the film, adds a layer of complexity to their journey.

Arcadia is a heartfelt, multi-layered film that explores themes of family, loss, and the search for a better life. It premiered at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival and was directed by Olivia Silver.

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