April Love is a musical remake of the 1944 film Home in Indiana. The film is centered around a troubled teenager named Nick Conover, played by Pat Boone, who is sent to live with his aunt and uncle on their Kentucky farm after getting into some trouble with the police. Nick is initially resistant to the idea of living on a farm and thinks that country life is boring.

However, as he spends more time on the farm, he begins to appreciate the simple pleasures of life and develops an affection for his new surroundings. He also strikes up a romantic relationship with his cousin Liz, played by Shirley Jones. Liz is initially wary of Nick's wild ways, but she eventually warms up to him as they spend more time together.

The film features several musical numbers, including the famous title track "April Love," which became a hit for Pat Boone. The movie was also notable for its stunning cinematography, which captured the beauty of the Kentucky countryside.

Overall, April Love is a heartwarming and enjoyable film that explores themes of redemption, family, and romance. It is a must-watch for fans of classic musicals and the golden age of Hollywood cinema.

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