Ape Canyon is a drama-comedy film that centers around the relationship between siblings Cal and Samantha, who are played by Shane Coffey and Erin Ownbey respectively. The film takes place in the Pacific Northwest where Cal, who has always had a fascination with Bigfoot, sets out on a mission to find the elusive creature. He persuades his sister, a college professor, to join him on the expedition to Ape Canyon, a legendary location that is believed to be inhabited by Bigfoot.

The journey is not an easy one, and the siblings encounter a series of obstacles including physical challenges and disagreements about the legitimacy of their quest. As they trek through the woods, they meet a cast of characters, including a skeptical park ranger (played by Michael Drayer), a group of enthusiastic Bigfoot hunters, and a retired soldier with a mysterious past.

As the days pass, the tensions between Cal and Samantha reach a boiling point, and they must confront their past and present issues in order to make it out of the woods alive. The film offers a fresh take on the Bigfoot mythology, while also exploring themes of family, identity, and acceptance. It is directed by Sean Parker and written by Parker and Stephen Kinigopoulos. The film premiered at the Cinequest Film Festival in 2021.

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