Anna and the Apocalypse is a horror-comedy film directed by John McPhail and was released in 2017. The movie tells the story of Anna, a high school student living in the sleepy town of Little Haven, who wakes up one day to find the town overrun by zombies. The outbreak coincides with Christmas, adding to the chaos and confusion.

Anna bands together with her friends, including her ex-boyfriend John, her best friend Lisa, and some other fellow students, to fight their way through the hordes of undead and reach their loved ones. Along the way, they encounter a series of obstacles, including rival survivor gangs, murderous teachers, and a zombie Santa Claus.

What sets Anna and the Apocalypse apart from other zombie movies is its use of music. The film includes several catchy and funny musical numbers, including the standout track "Hollywood Ending," sung by the lead character Anna. The music adds a light-hearted touch to the otherwise grim subject matter, making it an enjoyable watch for fans of horror-comedy films.

Overall, Anna and the Apocalypse is an entertaining and unique take on the zombie genre, expertly blending humor, horror, and music into a fun and engaging movie experience.

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