Animal Factory is a 2000 crime drama film directed by Steve Buscemi. The movie is based on the novel of the same name by Edward Bunker.

The film follows the story of Ron Decker, played by Edward Furlong, a young man from the suburbs who is arrested for drug possession and sent to San Quentin State Prison. Ron initially struggles to adjust to prison life as he is physically weak and inexperienced in dealing with the harsh realities of life behind bars.

As he tries to navigate his way through the prison, Ron becomes the target of sexual predators and abusive guards. However, he soon finds an unlikely ally in Earl Copen, played by Willem Dafoe, an experienced inmate who takes Ron under his wing.

Earl teaches Ron how to survive in the brutal world of prison, and in return, Ron becomes Earl's loyal protege. However, as Ron learns more about the prison hierarchy and the brutality of life in San Quentin, he begins to realize that he may never be able to escape the cycle of violence and despair.

Meanwhile, Earl is determined to find a way out of prison, and he recruits Ron to help him with his plans. As they work together to try and secure their freedom, Ron and Earl face some tough moral and ethical dilemmas, and their friendship is put to the ultimate test.

Animal Factory is a gritty and realistic portrayal of life in a high-security prison, and it features some outstanding performances from its cast, including Edward Furlong, Willem Dafoe, and Danny Trejo. The movie explores themes of power, violence, and the struggle for survival, and it is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas.

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