Angela's Christmas Wish is an animated family film that follows the story of a young girl named Angela, who lives with her mother and siblings in a struggling Irish town during the 1910s. Angela's father works in Australia to support the family, but he hasn't been home in years. When Angela overhears her mother talking about her school's Christmas pageant, she gets the idea to ask Santa for a wish, to bring her father home for Christmas.

Angela's determination and resourcefulness are put to the test as she hatches a plan to get to Australia and bring her father back home. Along the way, Angela encounters heartwarming acts of kindness from strangers who help her on her journey. But when she finally reaches her father, he is reluctant to leave his new life in Australia and return to Ireland.

The film explores important themes, including the value of family, friendship, and the power of determination. It showcases the true spirit of Christmas, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. The animation is visually stunning, capturing the beauty and charm of both Ireland and Australia.

Angela's Christmas Wish is a feel-good family film that will leave viewers feeling uplifted and restored, reminding us all of the importance of family during the holiday season.

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