Angel Guts: Red Vertigo is a 1988 Japanese erotic thriller directed by Takashi Ishii. The film follows the story of Nami, a nurse who works at a mental institution for the criminally insane. Nami is constantly subjected to sexual advances from her patients and suffering from emotional trauma. She tries to escape her troubled life by engaging in a tumultuous relationship with her boyfriend, who is cheating on her with another woman.

Fleeing from her boyfriend's home one night, Nami is hit by a car driven by a perverted photographer named Muraki. Muraki proceeds to kidnap Nami and take her to his apartment, where he proceeds to rape and torture her. Despite her coercion and mistreatment, Nami begins to feel a sense of affection and attachment towards her captor.

As the film progresses, Nami's situation becomes more dire as she falls deeper into a cycle of violence and abuse. Muraki is revealed to have a dark past involving other women similar to Nami, and he becomes increasingly possessive and violent towards her.

Angel Guts: Red Vertigo is a disturbing and provocative film that explores themes of sexual exploitation, power dynamics, and trauma. The movie features graphic scenes of violence and nudity and is not suitable for all audiences.

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