Android Uprising is a science fiction film directed by Andrew Bellware and written by Ted Campbell and Victoria Negri. The film takes place in a future where drones have replaced human soldiers on the battlefield. After a disastrous battle, Sergeant Barbara Slade (Julia Rae Maldonado) is left paralyzed and is given the option to have her consciousness transferred to an android body. Once inside the android, Slade's identity is mistaken, and she is captured by a group of antigovernment activists led by Darryl (Phil Corbett). The activists believe that androids are becoming too powerful and will eventually take over humanity. However, after spending time with Darryl and his group, Slade discovers that they have a mind-bending plan to destroy all androids. Slade is torn between her loyalty to the government and her newfound empathy for the androids. The film explores themes of identity, technology, and human consciousness. The cast also includes Jared Luxenberg, Johnathan Sousa, and Kate Britton.

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