Andrei Rublev, directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, is a three-hour epic film that was released in 1966. The film is set in the 15th century, during a time of political upheaval and religious repression in Russia. The story revolves around the life of Andrei Rublev, a famous painter of religious icons, who travels across the country with his fellow monks in search of work and artistic inspiration.

Throughout the film, Rublev struggles with his faith and the role of the church in society. He witnesses countless acts of violence, corruption, and greed, including the sacking of a city by Tartar invaders, the torture of a heretic, and the brutal murder of a young boy accused of stealing. These experiences push Rublev to question whether his art can truly bring joy and salvation to people in a world so full of pain and suffering.

The film is divided into several chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of Rublev's life and work. One chapter, for example, centers on his relationship with a young bell-maker named Boriska, whom he helps to escape from the authorities. Another chapter follows Rublev's encounter with a group of pagan revelers, who inspire him to paint a series of brightly colored frescoes.

Andrei Rublev is widely regarded as a masterpiece of world cinema, noted for its stunning visuals, historical accuracy, and meditative tone. The film was controversial upon its release, however, due to its frank depiction of violence and its critique of the Soviet regime. Despite these challenges, Andrei Rublev has remained a seminal work of Russian art and culture, inspiring generations of filmmakers and artists around the world.

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