Watch And You Call Yourself A Christian Movie online streaming platforms

Deception Behind the Cross: Unveiling Hypocrisy

Drama  United States of America 

"And You Call Yourself a Christian" is a drama film produced by Eudora Entertainment that follows the lives of four individuals – Sarah (played by Natasha Coker), David (Alvin L. Saunders), Rachel (Kala Moses Baxter), and Michael (Tjay Green) – as they navigate their faith and Christian beliefs in the modern world.

Sarah is a devout Christian struggling to reconcile her traditional beliefs with the challenges of everyday life. David is a pastor who faces a crisis of faith after a personal tragedy. Rachel is a single mother dealing with judgment from her church community. Michael is a young man searching for meaning in his life.

As their paths cross and their stories intertwine, they grapple with their beliefs, doubts, and struggles with spirituality. Through their shared experiences, they come to understand the true meaning of faith, forgiveness, and redemption.

The film explores themes of faith, forgiveness, and the complexities of living a Christian life in a modern, secular world. Through the journey of its characters, "And You Call Yourself a Christian" challenges viewers to reflect on their own beliefs and values.

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