Anamorph follows the story of a seasoned detective named Stan Aubrey who is tasked with investigating a series of gruesome murders that all bear a striking resemblance to those committed by a notorious serial killer years ago. As he delves deeper into the case, he begins to realize that the killer is using anamorphosis to taunt him.

Stan is aided by his partner, Carl, and an enthusiastic graduate student, Sandy, who is studying the art of anamorphosis. With Sandy's help, Stan begins to unravel the twisted mind of the killer and the reasoning behind their use of this particular painting technique.

As the body count rises, the killer leaves behind a trail of clues that Stan and his team must decipher before they can catch the killer. But the closer they get to the truth, the more dangerous the killer becomes, leading to a final confrontation that leaves Stan questioning his own sanity.

Anamorph is a chilling, psychological thriller that challenges the concepts of art and perception, all while keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. The movie features a standout performance by Willem Dafoe as Stan, and the film's stunning cinematography showcases the artistry of anamorphosis in a truly eerie way.

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