An American Terror is a 2014 independent horror film directed by Haylar Garcia and starring Joe Abplanalp, Troy Alan, and Graham Emmons. The film centers around Josh, a high school student living in a small town who is bullied and neglected by his parents. After a brutal incident, Josh and his friends decide to exact revenge by planning a massacre at the school's homecoming dance.

The group begins searching for weapons and stumble upon a man who lives in a secluded area outside of town. However, they quickly realize that the man is far more dangerous than they first thought. He has been collecting people and killing them, leaving their bodies to rot in a twisted shrine.

The group becomes trapped in the man's lair and discovers a kidnapped cheerleader from the rival clique. As they attempt to escape, the boys are forced to confront their own morals and the true nature of their friendship. Josh must lead them out in time to stop his friend from carrying out their plan to massacre the school.

An American Terror is a violent and disturbing film that explores themes of teenage angst, bullying, and the consequences of violence. It received mixed reviews upon its release, with critics praising its atmosphere and sound design, but criticizing its graphic content. The film ultimately serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked aggression and the importance of confronting our own demons.

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