The movie An American in Paris: The Musical is a romantic and heartwarming story set in post-World War II Paris. The protagonist, Jerry Mulligan, is an American GI who decides to stay in Paris after the war ends. He falls in love with a beautiful young dancer named Lise, whom he meets on the streets of Paris.

But Jerry is not the only one who has his eye on Lise. Pianist and composer Adam Hochberg is also in love with her, but he is too shy to express his feelings. The two men become friends when Jerry asks Adam to accompany him as he tries to learn more about Lise. Adam agrees, but he secretly hopes that Jerry will give up on Lise and leave her for him.

As the story unfolds, Lise is promised to Henri Baurel, a wealthy Frenchman who also has feelings for her. The three men soon find themselves involved in a complicated love triangle, as each of them competes for Lise's affections.

The movie is filled with beautiful music and memorable dance scenes, including a stunning ballet sequence that features the music of composer George Gershwin. The film's colorful sets and costumes capture the romance and excitement of post-war Paris, making An American in Paris: The Musical a timeless classic that is still loved by audiences today.

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