American Woman is a drama film that tells the story of a radical political activist named Jenny Shimada, who takes care of a group of America's most wanted fugitives in a safe house in the 1970s. The group includes a well-known heiress named Pauline, who has recently become radicalized and joined the cause of the underground militant organization.

Jenny is a former member of the same organization, and her experiences have made her more cautious and calculating in her actions, leading to conflicts with Pauline and other members of the group who are more militant and impulsive.

As the months go by, tensions rise within the group, as the FBI closes in on their location. Jenny becomes more and more conflicted about what she is doing and the risks she is taking to protect the fugitives. She also begins to develop a maternal bond with Pauline, who struggles with her own identity and the consequences of her actions.

The film is a fictionalized reimagining of the Patty Hearst affair, a real-life kidnapping and radicalization of a wealthy heiress in the 1970s. It explores themes of radicalism, identity, motherhood, and sacrifice, and features strong performances by Sienna Miller as Jenny and Christina Hendricks as Pauline.

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